This drawing represents the beauty and harmony of the water cycle in nature. By creating the two intertwined triangles, I sought to depict the interconnectedness between the different stages of this cycle. In the upper triangle, you can see the radiant sun over the majestic mountains, and the river that springs from them, flowing vigorously through the mountainous scenery. This part represents the source and the initial course of the water. In the opposite triangle, I wanted to portray the transformation of the river water into an imposing waterfall. This waterfall feeds the river that cuts through the valley, represented by the two trees on its banks. It’s a way of showing how water follows its course, always renewing and vitalizing the landscape around it. This work is more than a simple visual representation. It’s a celebration of the water cycle and how it sustains all life on our planet. It’s a reminder of the beauty and importance of nature and how we are all connected through it.
Mergulhe na História e Cultura das nossas águas, explorando a arte e a riqueza dos Povos e Rios Brasileiros