The Tekator Indigenous School is located in the northern region of the country, in the State of Tocantins, in the Municipality of Tocantinópolis, in the Rural Zone, on TO 126, located in Aldeia Mariazinha, 18 km from the municipality, belonging to the Apinajé Indigenous Territory. Currently the School Unit serves the level and modality in Elementary Education Early Years; in Elementary School Final Years; and in high school. The School offers specialized educational services. The school team chose the drawing by student Paula Tamkakre Ribeiro Apinajé from class 13.1 of High School. The drawing depicts the interconnection between the Apinajé indigenous community and the Tocantins River and its streams present in their lands in the indigenous territory. Traditional indigenous paintings adorn the scene, symbolizing the spiritual and cultural connection of the Apinajé people with water and nature. Streams represent not only vital sources of water, but they are also symbols of life, sustenance, leisure and fun and their essential natural ecosystems for the Apinajé indigenous community, with beautiful crystal clear and icy waters that delight to look at, and with the songs of birds, which brings peace and pure air of nature. This Theme describes water as a source of life to the Apinajé indigenous people
Mergulhe na História e Cultura das nossas águas, explorando a arte e a riqueza dos Povos e Rios Brasileiros